Mon-Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm 541-330-1930

Forestry Services

Forest Health Projects and responsible harvesting in our national forest land

Quicksilver Contracting Company (Quicksilver), an Oregon Corporation since 1988 is a HUBZone business with our base of operations in La Pine, Oregon and an administrative office in Bend, Oregon. Quicksilver performs logging, chipping, thinning, mowing, slash piling, hazardous fuels reduction, reforestation, and forest health restoration stewardship contracts. Wood products for paper, fuel and biomass are manufactured at our Processing Yard. We are comprised of 45-55 permanent field employees including managers, loggers, mechanics, drivers, and an additional 50-65 workers seasonally.

Quicksilver has the equipment needed for harvesting and processing timber sold to existing markets. Our harvesting territory includes eastside forests from Northern California, Oregon, and Washington for both public and private landowners and land managers. Once harvested, we have the facility for processing timber into sawlogs, clean chips, chip logs, pole materials, and biomass. Fully mechanized operations occur year-round, and products are hauled by our company trucks and contracted truckers.

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Since 1988, land managers have awarded Quicksilver Contracting stewardship and restoration contracts ranging from 3 years to 10 years in length. To date, our team has applied harvesting, fuels reduction, biomass utilization, and forestry treatments to over 40,000 acres.

Stewardship projects are typically multi-year contracts that involve harvesting, road work, and various silvicultural treatments whose methods are prescribed by our management team. These projects can also include site restoration activities, fuels reduction work (manual and mechanized), and wildlife habitat improvement. Mechanical felling, mastication, piling, and brush mowing are all available. Our forestry crew provides hand-work for tree and shrub planting, natural stand and plantation thinning, juniper cutting, slash piling, brush cutting, pruning, and animal damage control.


Quicksilver contracts with federal, state and private forest land managers to sustainably harvest large tracts of forest lands and assure a supply of sawlogs. Now in our fourth decade as a forest contractor, we understand how to design timberland projects for success.


Our seasonal hand crew works from March to December. The team has a vast experience in all types of forests, including those found in the Pacific Northwest, the Southwest, and the Rocky Mountain region. Our crews have performed various kinds of treatments ranging from slashing all trees to selecting leave trees based on multiple qualitative characteristics. Crews have thinned forest stands following a range of restoration prescriptions from the application of simple spacing guidelines to those requiring complex strategies to enhance stand diversity through species and size class manipulation. We have successfully applied forest restoration treatments in Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) areas, old-growth stands, plantations, and natural stands. The tasks involved include fuels reduction, PCT, meadow restoration, manual brushing, whip felling, pruning, bucking, lopping, limbing, chipping, and hand piling.